Long time no post…

September 27, 2013

Afternoon all.

It’s been a while since I last posted anything on here, so just wanted to let you all know what’s been going on.

To begin with I had the TMTM kickstarter which was awesome and you folk were amazing. I’ve since had everything but the t-shirts and the comic itself delivered. Here’re some piccies:

I’ll post more when they arrive!

I’ve also been putting together Nerd Fest Comic Con which takes place 5th October at the Britannia Hotel, NG1 6BN, 10am-4pm. Tickets are available if you fancy visiting us. I’ll also have a table there so if you missed out on my kickstarter I should have the goodies there too PLUS other bits and bobs!



Kickstarter Thanks!

September 14, 2013

Sorry or the delay in doing this post, but I just wanted to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who supported my kickstarter campaign, be it by pledging, RTing, Sharing etc etc, I really did appreciate it.

The book is now finished, I’m just finalising it before sending it to print!!!

wtc-printsI have received the first batch of rewards, the prints and have ordered the badges and the mugs. I’m also hoping to order the t-shirts this week once I have sizes etc finalised. I’ll get some photos up as soon as I have them!

I’m now working on the other stretch reward, the book of all 160 comic strips of The Monkey and the Mouse. It’s official title is: The Monkey and the Mouse: Pretend We’re Having Fun.

We’re also only 3 weeks away from Nerd Fest Comic Con 2013, Nottingham that I’m organising and it’s pretty hectic at the minute finalising things (as you’d expect!), so my apologies that I’ve not posted a load of new work!

I’d also like to plug another book I worked on recently, Michael Regina’s Adamsville graphic novel. It’s a sci-fi adventure book in the vein of X-Files/Super 8 and is well worth a look!!! Michael’s currently running a Kickstarter to get the book printed (sounds familiar 😉 ) so please take a look, this book NEEDS to be printed!!


Day 116

August 31, 2013


Day 115

August 23, 2013


Kickstarter Update No.2

August 21, 2013

Morning you fine folk.

So here we are with only 4 days left remaining! And so far we’ve unlocked 2 of the stretch goals!! I’m blown away by how generous people are and the faith they have in my project!
Thank you all so much, very humbled!!
If you still haven’t pledged but would like to get involved, you still have 4 days to get in there and grab yourselves some awesome rewards, from the comic, prints, mugs, badges, t-shirts plus additional books!!!
Please take a look if you like fun comics and spread the word
Thanks again

Kickstarter Update

August 13, 2013

Wow!!! You folk are amazing!

At the time of writing this (13th Aug 22:45) we’ve long passed the first stretch goal (target above and beyond the target of £500) of £650 and are rocketing toward the second stretch goal of £800! We are currently at £715. This is phenomenal and I’m almost speechless.

So with the first stretch goal the reward for everyone pledging £20 or more will receive 4 TMTM badges with backer.

If/when we hit £800, everyone who has pledged £30 or more will receive a TMTM book with over 160 TMTM comic strips!!!

I can’t get over how generous and awesome you folk are. Thank you again.


Mug Design

Commission Marker Piece

August 7, 2013

Sorry about the woeful photo!!!



July 26, 2013

Evening folks. Like so many artists with very little funds I’ve gone to the Kickstarter to help me get my comic book “The Monkey and the Mouse: Where’s the Cheese?” professionally printed.

When the Monkey and the Mouse fly to the moon looking for cheese, they find more than they’ve ever thought possible!

The Story: The Monkey and the Mouse need cheese, but the fridge is empty…
Where to find some? PING! The Moon!
But things aren’t always what you think they are, and don’t always believe what people tell you.

Believe in “alilens”? Or “Moon Monsters”? Or that the moon’s made of cheese?

You will now!


The Book: The Monkey and the Mouse: Where’s the Cheese? is a fun family friendly space adventure comic. It’s the first story driven comic book featuring the Monkey and the Mouse, my own 2 kiddies.  It will be 40 pages of B&W art with full colour cover and a guest pinup image by Michael “Adamsville” Regina.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Monkey and the Mouse, please check out the comic strip here!

The Goal: I’m looking to print a 44 page, professionally produced, comic book ready to sell at this year’s Nerd Fest Comic Con, Nottingham UK  and beyond.

My funding target is based on book printing and rewards fulfilment, any extra money raised will allow me to prepare more merchandise for my Comic Convention debut.

I also have some stretch rewards in mind if/when we blast through that funding target!

Rewards: These include the fully printed book itself, TMTM mugs, T-Shirts and even your name printed in the story! As well as these there will be prints and original artwork and also the chance to get your hands on my other book!


PLEASE go check it out and see if it’s something you’d be interested in backing.

Many thanks


Day 114

July 19, 2013


Day 113

July 13, 2013
